Fry Club JFC Tournament 2006

Team Blue Report


GAME 1  -  Frys Blue  V  Team Bath Arsenal (Pitch 11)

Frys  1    V  0  Bath Arsenal

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Matthew Charlie Ashley Ryan -  Subs - Louis

Formation  2-2-1

We had a tough group to battle through and it would start against Bath Arsenal, I had actually thought that Bath Arsenal had always got the better of us before but on checking the stats I found this wasn’t so because we have had the upper hand many times. I told the boys that the Bath were a good team and that if we wanted to beat them then they must work hard for each other. If they did that they would get the rewards they deserved.  Again I started off cautious by playing 2 at the back in Jack & Matt giving Matt licence to attack whenever we had the ball in their half. I had insisted on patience, I explained to them that through each game we would expect at least 4 or 5 chances and that usually we would convert 1 or even 2 into goals so there was no need to go off like a bull at a gate, it was more important to keep the ball with controlled touches and neat passing, if you take your time you’ll be surprised that the game can get quicker!  

 The game kicked off with a Bath Arsenal kick of which they for some reason rolled back and then kicked a long ball up field straight to our keeper, this quickly gave us control of the game and the boys took on board what I had said about keeping the ball. They started to move it around and make Bath Arsenal chase it, this was to be the momentum throughout the whole game. We had a few moments of indecision but never really lost control. We only gave them one clear site of a chance and that had come from a keeper error that to his credit was quickly rectified. The ball had come up field and bobbled up while he was about to collect it. The ball squirmed through his grasp and looked set to be a goal against. Harry, our keeper though had not given up hope and quickly changed his feet, dived back to goal and got a finger on it to knock onto the post and then bravely pounced upon the loose ball before a Bath Arsenal player could get to it. This was to be the only heart beating moment for us through this game as we never gave them another chance. It’s fair to say that we played most of the game in attack.


Our breakthrough came midway through the 2nd half just after I had made a substitution. I called Ashley over to be replaced by Louis and almost at the same time Ryan was through on goal 1 on 1 with the keeper, there was still work to do but Ryan stayed composed and scored the only goal of the game to give us victory and a great start to the day. Credit to our opponents here as they gave a dogged display to try and keep us out. There tireless efforts maybe deserved to get them a point but our determination saw us through. Well played on this one boys. FT 1-0 Frys



GAME 2  -  Frys Blue  V  Patchway Town Youth (Pitch 11)

Frys  1    V   0  Patchway Town Youth

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Matthew Louis Ashley Charlie -  Subs Ryan

Formation  2-2-1


This game played through much the same as our 1st game against Bath Arsenal with the exception that Harry was in no mood to make more mistakes!  Again I started off cautious as I didn’t know anything about Patchway as we had never played them before. Again this was to be a game where we would spend most time attacking and struggled to get the break through that we always looked like getting. Because of this 1 or 2 of us started to get frustrated and decided they were going to do it themselves, this was further pointed out when we had 2 players clean through on goal with 1 defender behind both chasing back hard. The player with the ball refused to release it and just kept running with it while at the same time we had a player 10 yards clear out in front crying out for a poke through. He decided to go for glory but got caught by the defender, he did try to come back inside but another defender had got back and it all resulted with not even a shot at goal! Now I have never been a manager that majors upon the mistakes a player makes but have been more a manager that always tries to find the positives even when none look likely!  However over the last few weeks my stance has changed slightly because I realised if I didn’t start pointing out the mistakes then how will they learn? For this reason I quickly substituted the player in question and explained to him his mistake, to be fair this player is quite skilful and his main weakness as always been to overplay. I explained to him this and that this alone was the reason for him being substituted. I told him that this was to make him remember the next time when he’s in the same position he must release the ball or he may suffer the same consequence. I told him I needed him out there not here on the sidelines but if he is not going to play for the team then I can’t afford to keep him out there. Take it on board I said, you’re good enough! (See end comments about how he took it on board!)


The game continued and again quickly after the substitution the breakthrough came. The ball broke to Charlie on the left hand side who unleashed a sweet left foot drive that curled inside the left post to give us a much deserved victory, the game ended and you could see the joy and the boys faces. We would have been more at home if our team name had been “Cheshire cats” It was a sweet site for a manager because they all now had confidence and a killer look in their eye, confidence is such a sweet weapon in football! FT1-0 Frys



GAME 3  -  Frys Blue  V  Paulton rovers (Pitch 11)

Frys  4  V  0  Paulton Rovers

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Louis Ryan Charlie Ashley -  Subs Matthew

Formation  1-3-1


Before this game most of the boys had asked me how we were doing in the table but I explained to them that I hadn’t checked it yet because it wasn’t important. I told them that if we kept winning then the table would take care of itself, we only need to check on how we are doing if we start losing games, so I told them to go out there and do one of 2 things. Either “A” go out and put us firmly in the chase for the knockout stages or “B” worry about other teams and then lose our focus. I told them then “A” is preferable because it would mean a little less pressure on us for the game against Bitton coming up next, I told them win this one and win it convincingly as a knew we could, we had the luxury of playing Paulton in a one off friendly just a couple of months before and so I knew with this being their “B” squad that we should be able to start and put some more goals on the board. I also told them not to go silly and still remember we have a goal to defend and that if we forget this just for one second then it could prove costly. I also explained to the player I subbed in game 2 about the importance of releasing the ball into space whenever possible and that if he didn’t take it on board he could find himself replaced again. Don’t get me wrong, this was never in sergeant major style! But we have to start taking the mistakes on board if we are going to take more steps forward.  


Well take it on board is to say the least as he put in a great display, quickly getting in himself into the game by giving 120% effort. He was determined to be first to every loose ball and this was to prove key. While in the last game he may have risked getting us a victory he wasn’t about to make the same mistakes this time round. With only about 2 minutes on the clock Louis picked up a loose ball and without hesitation released Ashley with a quick ball towards goal, Ashley wasted no time and put us 1-0 up. Louis was visibly pleased when Ashley and the rest went to congratulate each other; there was much high 5’s going on at this point and many thumbs up from the crowd.


 At the restart we were like wolves! They only managed to retain the ball for a few seconds before we were attacking them again with Louis attempting a neat half volley going just wide, I had just turned round here to say to one of the parents that Louis was obviously taking on board what I had said only to turn round and see him running back to the centre with the high 5 scenario going on again, I had missed a goal!  I was told the keeper tried to roll it out to one of his players but it just went straight to Louis’s feet and he just popped it straight in. 2-0 Frys and nice one Louis for yet again not showing hesitation ;-)

This seemed to spur him on more as throughout the game he was a constant thorn in Paulton’s side, it was fair to say he had redeemed himself fully already but he was in no mood to think that himself as after half time he quickly set about finishing the job, once again showing unselfishness play and putting in Charlie who again scored another sweet left footed shot straight into the top of the net. We still hadn’t finished as Ashley had time to get his 2nd of the game with a calm finish about a minute from time.


The boys clearly enjoyed this game and so did the crowd as they came off to a firm round of applause and cheers alike.  In honesty it was hard for me afterwards as I know the Paulton manager is a great guy, sometimes its nice to get one over an opponent manager but sometimes it doesn’t feel so nice, still all the same, I’ll take the result as I know he would too! FT4-0 Frys



GAME 4  -  Frys Blue  V  Patchway Town Youth (Pitch 11)

Frys  1    V   0  Patchway Town Youth

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Matthew Louis Ashley Ryan -  Subs Charlie

Formation  2-2-1


Now it was time for the crunch game against a very good Bitton side, always one of the tournament favourites and indeed the losing finalists in yesterdays under 7’s final. The boys again asked me where we were in the table and I told them I hadn’t looked because I wasn’t worried enough to look. I reminded them that we had won 3 from 3 so we can’t be bottom can we?  I explained that this was to be the game that we needed to worry about most as we would have to be at our best if we were going to beat them. I also explained that beating them wasn’t the most important but not losing was the key. I decided to tell Matt who we usually use as an attacking defender that for this game it was defence only, the most attacking I wanted him was just past the half way line when we had corners and such like. Louis again was impressed upon to give the same as last game with Ashley told firmly to keep hold of the ball and make it hard for them to play football. I told Jack to just be his normal reliable self and get rid of any danger without hesitation and Ryan that he’s just to run at them whenever he had the chance. This game was all about getting in amongst it all and not giving 1 ounce of room to let them play.

 The game started and while there was a few chances each there was never really a clear sight at goal for either team. Bitton were obviously as worried about us as we were of them and the game pretty much cancelled its self out by the fact we both didn’t want to concede the 1st goal. I threw on Charlie for the last few minutes to try and force it but in the end no breakthrough came and the game ended FT 0-0



GAME 5  -  Frys Blue  V  Warmley Rangers Black(Pitch 11)

Frys  2    V   0  Warmley Rangers Black

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Matthew Louis Ryan Charlie -  Subs Ashley

Formation  1-2-2



I had caved in to the pressure of the kids before this game and had gone and checked the tables. We were 2nd,  level on 10 points each with 1st placed Bitton. Bath Arsenal had 9 points in 3rd with the rest unable to catch us with only 1 game left each. Our job was made simpler for us as Bath Arsenals & Bitton’s last game was against each other. If Bitton were to win we were through without a kick but whatever the result we knew a Draw at this point was enough to see us through regardless.


Well as it went Bitton won a closely fought contest against a determined Bath Arsenal to give us an easier contest and a chance to save a bit of energy for the Q/F. I decided to go for it as I wanted to try and finished top and with the pressure firmly off it gave us a chance. We would have had to score 6 though!


I started with a very attacking line up even encouraging a lone defender to join up whenever he could. We quickly set about trying to get the 6 we needed but we became a little over eager, it was made harder for us by the fact that 2 Warmley defenders never moved out of their box so there were always 3 players to beat when we got in a position to shoot. Funny enough I think it worked a little for them but our goals came from kicks through a crowded area which the keeper failed to see until the ball was past him. You could say there was an element of luck with the 2 goals we got through Louis & Charlie but the laws of physics meant we had to score eventually as we had gone close several times and gaining about as many corners in 1 game as I can remember, I even had the luxury for the 2nd half to bring our lone defender off and replace him with a midfielder. I don’t recall our keeper getting 1 touch during this match which is another pleasing factor.


Well done boys you qualified for the knockout stages with great determination and best off all “Great team spirit  FT2-0 Frys



Quarter Final  -  Frys Blue  V  Warmley Rangers “A” (Pitch 9)

Frys  0    V   1  Warmley Rangers “A”  (Extra time golden goal)

Starting – Harry(GK) Jack Matthew Louis Ashley Charlie -  Subs Ryan

Formation  2-2-1


So it was off to the quarter final against Warmley Rangers “A”.  I knew it was going to be a tough game as we have met them several times already, honours even over time so far but today I wanted to edge it our way. I explained to the boys that although we had beaten them in our league games that this team would be much better and to expect a tougher contest. This was to prove quite true too.

The game started off and both teams were keen not to give too much away, pretty much as the game against Bitton both teams cancelling each other out with close determined marking. The clearest chance for us came when Ashley broke clear only for the Warmley defender to keep pushing on Ashley trying his best to keep up. The Warmley player then pushed him full on with 2 hands and knocked him off the ball, Ashley and the crowd all expected a penalty but it didn’t come. The Warmley players even expecting it to as they all stopped and stood still, shame we did too as the ball sat in the front of goal on its own with no one interested for about 5 seconds before the keeper picked it up and carried on. It was a sure penalty but that’s football again. I can’t knock the ref during this game nor can I for during any other, they gave good displays through both days and were a real credit to the tournament. The only criticism I could have here is that we should always remember to play to the whistle, unless you hear it you keep going.


 Normal time then ended and we went into a sudden death playoff of 3 minutes with “NO KEEPERS!” .Its heart rendering stuff for the manager this but it’s a great way to settle a tie, better than straight to pens anyway. Are FIFA watching? lol.  Anyway, this made for a very exciting game with end to end play and goal line clearances galore, I much preferred the high 5’s scenario! After a fantastic 3 minutes of high adrenaline the half was over, time to bring off 2 outfield players! We are now 3 v 3 and still no keepers, now it was real, you could feel it in the crowd as there were probably at least 60 or so people watching. Not big you may think but to 7 & 8 year olds it’s a first taste of stardom. Both sets of players and both sets of supporters we really up for it now as the game became more end to end. More heart stopping moments for both teams to endure. But just before it looked like penalties a Warmley player managed to break free then play a ball into space for a team mate who went through to break our hearts L.  Jack tried his best to stop it but he would have had to have handled it and cheat to save the day and we don’t play that way!


At the end it was tears for us and joy for Warmley and fair play to them. It was a closely fought contest that they won on the day that could so easily have gone ours. The main thing was the game was played in great spirit and supported in great spirit. Games like this can be highly strung but I honestly have to say it was a pleasure playing Warmley. It’s always a pleasure to play against teams like this and especially in games like this.  


Managers overall view


How can I be displeased with what we achieved today. We were unlucky come the end of the day and while we are disappointed at missing out on the semi-final we should remember that disappointment only comes with achievement, you have to be in it to win it after all! And it’s important we realise this. After what has seemed like a tough few weeks on the board, today was a great day for us. We turned up with a real good attitude (something that we can be missing sometimes) and I hope this will serve to show all players that if you turn up to games with a good attitude and are prepared to give 100% effort then the rewards are there. Overall 24 teams were in this tournament and 16 were knocked out in the 1st stages I’m sure these 16 teams were disappointed too but they won’t feel it like we did but that’s because we got ourselves there. Of course there is disappointment and I was quite sad in fact I felt like crying myself but I had to remain strong for the parents in the crowd! ;-) It was nice to have such good support. We didn’t win the Q/F but in all honesty the main aspect of the day was the commitment, effort and team spirit that came though from all. I asked my own son Ashley how he felt after the day and he said he was upset. I asked if enjoyed it and the answer was a firm Yes.  I asked him if he had had fun and again the answer was a firm Yes! I’m sure it was the same for the rest of the team and to me that’s the main thing, the ethos is always on the kids having Fun and enjoyment and today I think they achieved that.

I was smiling when I got home later that day as days and games like these are what we really live for in football and I’m pleased we have had the chance. Many more chances will come our way through time and hopefully we will then get the rewards I’m sure we are capable of. The whole day was fantastic and made even more pleasing by the weather that had dampened the previous days games. Well done team Blue, Fantastic!  And well done Fry Club JFC on a fantastic tournament.